Alkaline Diet: A Complete Gaide & Balancing Your Health, Your Weight by Joel McDevitt

A Complete Gaide & Balancing Your Health, Your Weight

Alkaline diet: a complete gaide & balancing your health, your weight


The Alkaline Diet is based on the principle that our bodies have endured so much abuse at the hands of our modern industrial food production system that we have lost our natural pH balance. We've subsisted for too long on highly processed foods and refined carbs like sugar. The Alkaline Diet is a simple and delicious way to detoxify the body from all the sugar and junk that has built up, restoring the body's natural pH balance and eliminating chronic ailments naturally.

A great to be up early every day, feeling amazing, and actually looking forward to starting your day? Wouldn't it be great to eliminate those afternoon energy crashes and stop being dependent on caffeine? And wouldn't it be great to start losing weight naturally (or maintain your ideal weight) without torturing yourself with calorie counting and unrealistic starvation diets.

The alkaline diet cleanses your body of excess acid, heals your cells, and rebalances your pH levels so that you can live a happy and healthy life. 

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / Diets

Language: English

Keywords: alkaline diet, detox, weight loss, inflammation, health, clean eating, lifestyle

Word Count: 12241

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Sample text:

The Alkaline diet is also called the alkaline ash diet, acid ash diet, alkaline acid diet, or acid alkaline diet. This is actually a group of diets loosely related to each other. The main idea is that there are certain foods that directly affect the pH and acidity of the body's fluids, such as the blood and urine. This effect is believed to be therapeutic for certain health issues.

The Basics

The body has its own regulatory mechanism for balancing pH or its acid-base condition. The alkaline diet claims to help or boost this function. The traditional concept of the alkaline diet is to avoid eating poultry, meats, grains and cheese. The goal is to make the urine less acidic and more alkaline. This means increasing the urine's pH level. This is believed to help prevent the recurrence of UTIs (urinary tract infections) and discourage the formation of kidney stones (nephrolithiasis).

When eating foods, the body burns them to extract calories or energy. The extracted energy will then be used by the cells. If not, then some of these will be stored. This burning process is a slow and well-controlled one. So, when something gets burned, a residue is produced. It's like burning wood and ash is left behind. This ash is classified as either alkaline or acidic.

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