A Duke by Any Other Name by Claire Delacroix

Can he trust the maiden who sees through his disguise?

A duke by any other name

Daphne Goodenham has always been determined to wed a duke—not just because she loves fine dresses and parties, but because she wants to guarantee that she and her sister are never destitute again. When she meets the Duke of Inverfyre, a notorious fop, she immediately notices intriguing inconsistencies. Is there more to the duke than meets the eye? Why would he hide the truth if he were handsome, young, rich and a duke?

Alexander, the Duke of Inverfyre, is bent on catching a notorious thief who injured his sister, no matter what the cost. But confronted by the lovely Miss Goodenham, Alexander’s disguise proves to be no defense against her curiosity—and he has no resistance to her kiss. Will Daphne inadvertently foil Alexander’s plan? Will he have to sacrifice her interest to avenge his sister? Or can Daphne ensure Alexander’s triumph and make her own Christmas wish come true?

Genre: FICTION / Romance / Regency

Language: English

Keywords: disguise, duke, love at first sight, spies, hidden heir, action adventure

Word Count: 29,000

Sales info:

This is the second book in my Brides of North Barrows series of Regency romance novellas. Please don't offer for this book before the first book - Something Wicked This Way Comes - as the stories must be read in order.

Sample text:

“Oh, Alexander!” Anthea said. “You can’t be leaving. You’ve only just returned home.” She looked to be on the verge of tears and Alexander hastily finished his port. At a telling glance, Findlay filled his glass again.

It was well established at Airdfinnan that the Duke of Inverfyre could not bear the sight of his sister’s tears.

“I fear I must, Anthea, but will return as quickly as possible.” Alexander nodded to Findlay. “Perhaps you could see to the details.”

“Of course, Your Grace.”

Alexander could see that Findlay was itching to know where he was going and why, but the older man didn’t ask. “Could you send Haskell to me to discuss the packing of my portmanteau, as well, please?”

“Your portmanteau, sir?”

“Yes, I will be gone for at least a month, probably longer.”

“Alexander!” Anthea protested. “What about Christmas?”

“You will enjoy the festivities without me.” When she might have protested, he lifted a hand. “I am somewhat irked to be leaving again so quickly, but there is nothing to be done about it. Dr. MacEwan insists that I take the sea air in Cornwall in December.”

To Alexander’s dismay, a tear not only slid down Anthea’s cheek but she came into the library to sit opposite him and make her appeal. “Dr. MacEwan,” she muttered under her breath and dashed at her tears with her fingertips. “Is the air in January truly so different in Cornwall?”

“So he insists.”

“I think him a fool. You are more hale than any seven men I know.”

Findlay bowed and departed, so obviously wanting to linger and eavesdrop that Alexander smiled.

The change in his expression evidently encouraged his sister to speak her mind.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Unavailable for translation.
Already translated. Translated by Letizia PIPERO and Alessandra Elisa Paganin
Already translated. Translated by Evelyn T M Martins
Unavailable for translation.

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