Tim Baum (author)

Tim baum

She bore down on me further…seemingly, she was grinding her pussy against my face…I felt her juices on my forehead, my chin…it became apparently clear to me from hearing her moans, her cries of ecstasy; she was close to her orgasm. When she suddenly cried out and her body buckled…I felt her orgasm covering my face. 

Abruptly, she stood up…she faced the mirror and in a short period of time, she had totally regained her composure. She had reached for her panties…another quick moment, they were in place, covering and protecting her pussy. "Get yourself together. I will expect you downstairs in a few minutes. You are not allowed to wear your panties." With those few words, she left me lying on the bathroom floor. 

When I got up, I looked over my shoulder…my ass cheeks were normal, hardly any redness was seen. And yet, I remembered what she had said to me. She was going to spank my ass and thighs…she wanted to see my cry. I shivered…something told me that she was very capable in providing discipline to a submissive. My eyes had watered…not out of pain, it was more directed from an emotional release. I desperately was trying to get myself together; to make myself look presentable. My hair…my make-up, it was the best I was able to do…before I stepped out of the bathroom; I stuffed my panties in the bottom of the wastebasket. 

I was relieved when I stepped into the hallway…no one was there. When I began to walk down the stairs to the first floor…I felt as if everyone who made eye contact with me, was aware that I had just been mauled by this secretive woman. I immediately began to scan the rooms for my husband. I also kept a watchful eye out for the woman. A server passed me and I quickly reached for a glass of wine. The alcohol was needed…my breath must have smelled like pussy juices…when anyone looked in my direction; I was self-conscious of my appearance. In truth, I had done a miraculously job with my hair and make-up. 

Entering one room to the next, at long last, I saw the woman. I seemingly gave up…wondering where my husband was. When I returned to her shadow, she was engaged in a conversation with an older gentleman. She quickly faced me…she looked me up and down; she smiled. She didn’t have to ask me…she knew that I wasn’t wearing my panties. She then continued with her conversation. I was back to feeling irrelevant…no one seemed to care who I was. 

At some point during the evening, she whispered in my ear that we would be leaving. She had said a number of goodbye’s to the people who were in attendance…wishing them a happy holiday. With the goodbyes and holiday greetings said…we were alone in her car; she was driving away from this magnificent home. Where were we going? Only she knew the answer to that question. I wanted to say something…anything, but I remained silent. I wanted her to say something…anything, but she remained silent. I felt as if I was being punished with silence.

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