Talapon Holman (author)

Talapon holman

I kissed fiercely until I felt him start to shake in his resistance. Breaking his willpower would hurt me more than it would him.
"Victoria – I think if I – I think if I go any further you’ll bleed. You’re getting really tight at the end."
I contemplated this for a moment, wondering how bad it would hurt. "Then make me bleed." I whispered with insane passion. "Take me."

He looked worried, but obliged. He pulled out, a bit, trying to loosen my walls, sliding swiftly in and out for a couple of moments. For a second, I realized that he was… fucking me. I felt moans escape my lips over and over, and when the pain came, it came as a surprise. A knife hidden in a box of marshmallows.

I felt my white hot heat begin to flow onto Blaine, and felt the scream of a moment’s agony leave my lips. I remembered fleetingly that my parents were gone to dinner until 9. Luckily.

Blaine’s reassuring arms gripped me and hugged me close, but managed to sink the remaining length of his cock deep inside me. The pain was only a hum in the background now, though, the pleasure was suddenly overwhelming. Blaine, of course, didn’t know that yet.
"Oh SHIT, I – oh fuck, Vicky I’m so sorry. We have to stop, oh god." He swore, pulling his member out of my cunt, covered in a thin film of blood.
"No! No please, fuck me. Please. The pain is gone, fuck me Blaine."
He shook his head, obviously not believing my pleas. "No, you – you screamed like bloody fucking murder, and you’re bleeding."
"That’s because you took me, you took me Blaine." I whispered, reaching my hand down to lead his cock into my pussy. "Now fuck me." I said into his ear. "Cum in me."

His resistance crumbled and he let his head venture back in, sliding inches through with ease. I moaned with each thrust, screaming as I neared my orgasm. His cock shoved in and out of my soaking cunt, showing no mercy now that I felt no more pain. I heard the slap of his balls against my skin with each blow, felt the squelch of my pussy with every push. I was dripping all over him and my thighs now, moaning louder with growing intensity.
"CUM, PLEASE. I’M CUMMING. CUM WITH ME. PLEASE. FUCK!" I screeched, my nails piercing his back as I felt his sweet release of precious juices coming in time with the walls of my cunt closing in. His warm seed filled me up until it began to run out onto my lips and down onto my legs. He held still inside of me, the ghost of his last grunt still echoing in the room. He seemed to still be trying to force all the cum he could inside of me while my orgasm happily milked his icicle-hard cock of all of its offering.

Finally, the flow of his juices stopped; leaving both of us a soaking mess. We laid entangled for what seemed like forever, panting like running dogs.

Our lips met once more with one final kiss as the door burst open.

My eyes flickered to the alarmed faces of my parents to the red glow of my alarm clock.


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