Matthew Coronado (author)

Matthew coronado

as i stepped backwards I realised it aactually WAS AN ALIEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

'Oh my god' , i said. 'are you here to take me away'?
The alien replied that yes in fact he would love to take me away to the furtherest reaches of ecstacy undreamed of in this day and age. Yes he was from the future, or so i assumed, because there was a strange metallic device attached to his enormous phallus. I asked him what it was and he replied smoothly, 
"This is my penis morpher, and coincidentally, a time machine...'
but i wasnt listening. i couldnt get the throb of my heart out of my ears and the flame inside my vagina was growing hotter and hotter just looking at this green mans package. i didnt stop to think what a penis morpher could even be- i just began sucking it like a lunatic, suck suck suck suck over and over, i was on fire, and i knew the green man loved it. he was making weird sounds, much like my own frenzied slurping over his juicy cock
'Oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh...ooooohhh... yeah like that baby' he said.
'flow your humaniod mouth over my alien dick'
'yeeeeaaaaaaaaah baby... juicy................juicy.'

yeah he loved it, i knew it all too well and i replied
'mmmmmmmmmmmm yeah alien man? you like that? my mouth over your dick? feeels gooooooooooood doesnt it little green man?' the cock was almost popping out of my mouth it was so big.

He was horny and ready to go. 
'Gooooooooooooooooooooo!' he said, drawing out the word excitedly, and he lunged forward with his cock upright, heading straight for my exposed cunt which i was excitedly leaving exposed. this was the moment i had been waiting for all night, such a large cock was flying through the air at me, this was unbelievable and so hot at the same time.

His vein covered engorged elephant penis rocketed into my cunt and pumped in and out, making me climax each and every time he thrusted. 
'OOOhh! OOOhh!! OOOOhh!!!! OOOOOOOOOOOHH!!' I screamed, each yell a seperate orgasm becoming more and more intense.
OH GOD this was unbelievable i kept telling myself, this is out of this world, the little green man was giving me the multipule orgasm experience of my lifetime, and i knew that i never wanted it to stop.
The green man gave one final thrust and then i knew he was going to come, and out it came like a luminious green (yes green) rope, thick and rippling. it quivered and arced through the air like poetry, and landed on my thigh. as i began whispering to my thigh ' i will never wash you to remind me of this amazing night' i looked up and the alien had vanished as quickly as he arrived.
i will never know to this day if i was truly visited by another species or if it was the drug which i had ingested, but let me tell you, it was a night to truely tell the grandchildren about.
but not in a literal sense, (of course)

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