Matt Robinson (author)

Matt robinson

If you still refuse, a death pole will be struck."

He swallowed and I nodded to Chris, "I need to go watch the Barons council. They are bringing in four more assassins to… talk to the duke."

He grinned, "Tell his grace I said thank you for the gift."

I smiled and nodded as I turned, "He thought your girl’s parents might like it."

I left and before I had gone a block both Peter and Edward fell in on each side of me. I smiled, "Sam put you up to this?"

Peter grinned and Edward chuckled. I glanced at Edward, "Is Dett still watching the roofs?"

He nodded, "And we had a quiet word with everyone that lives in those houses."

When I got to the Keep several people were milling around the main doors muttering darkly. I nodded to the militia Sergeant, "If they give you any trouble, call the ready company and have them taken to the stockade. Make sure this isn’t a distraction."

He grinned, "I already have Kristin."

I nodded and led Peter and Edward past the guards and into the keep. When we walked into the large audience chamber it was to see the four men back to back with daggers drawn. Guards surrounded them and one guard was on the floor wounded. I moved forward and pushed through the guards, "ENOUGH!"

They spun to face me and I gestured, "Lay your weapons down and surrender."

An older man smiled, "I don’t think so."

I nodded and looked up at the galley, "Kill them."

I started to turn and the man yelled, "WAIT!"

I held up a hand and faced him, "You are wasting my time. Do you think this is the first time I have dealt with your guild? Now, either surrender or die."

He looked at me and then nodded to the others. The soldiers moved forward quickly and tied them before leading them away. After they had been stripped they were given clothes and walked out a gate. They knew if they returned they would be killed.

 The week ended and we stayed vigilant. As the new week began, I was eating with Sam at the guard’s tavern. When the old man walked towards us Peter stood and moved to stand between us. He smiled and just looked at Peter for a minute before bowing, "I have a message."

Peter still didn’t move and he frowned and one hand began to move. Peter’s dagger was suddenly in his hand and the old man froze. His eyes narrowed as I stood and moved up beside Peter, "Give me your message assassin."

He looked at me and then glanced at Peter, "Perhaps later."

Peter smiled, "Try it now."

The old man smiled at me, "The guild has withdrawn the contract on your duke."

I nodded, "Show him to the gate Peter."

The old man’s eyes snapped to Peter, "Peter?"

I smiled as I turned away, "Your guild might know him as Peter the Shadow."

I gestured to two guards seated at another table and they sighed as they stood up. The end was quieter than the start. The duke seized merchant Simson’s property and sold it, all the money going to the freed slaves and the city’s poor.

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