Hesham Shaaban (author)

News Agency
Hesham Shaaban, an Egyptian journalist and author. I have worked with many Arabic Newspapers and published 3 books

Hesham shaaban

I am an Egyptian journalist and novelist. I have worked in a number of Egyptian and Arab newspapers and news websites and human rights centers. Published by 3 novels and a collection of stories in Arabic, the collection of the stories of the 'man of the abaya' 2014, the novel 'last breakfast' 2015, the novel 'Prison Scorpio' 2016 .. My group of stories 'man of abaya' nominated for the Sawiris Prize for Literature 2014, The Last Breakfast 'of the Egyptian Book Association Award for best novel of the year 2015.

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رواية "الإفطار الأخير" للروائي هشام شعبان.. رواية اجتماعية سياسية تدور أحداثها في إحدى قرى مصر خلال شهر رمضان
رجل العباءة.. مجموعة قصصية تدور في إطار اجتماعي ، ويتركز جوهرها على قدسية رجال الدين
The novel 'Scorpio Prison' is a 100-page mini-novel, which takes place inside the heavily guarded 'Scorpio Prison' in Egypt
