Felicia Chapman (author)

Felicia chapman

Anyway, it’s a bit late to be worrying about her now isn’t it? Just remember, she’ll meet you at the bus station next Tuesday at 7pm. You can give her the money then."

"You sure you trust her with all that cash, Dave?"

"Absolutomundo my friend. Anyway, you have no choice, you won’t be seeing me again."

I hesitated before I spoke again, "Dave … "

"Yeah, what is it?"

"… I wanted to thank you for tonight. You know, for making her last night so … enjoyable."

"My pleasure, mate."

"Was it? A pleasure, I mean?"

"Sure," he said with a grin, "I always enjoy a good fuck, no matter who it is. But all the time, I knew I was really sticking it to her, about to pay her back for wrecking my sister’s marriage. No offence but your wife is … was, a real bitch, a home wrecker, a selfish cow with no morals and I’m glad to be a part of her timely demise. Sorry to be so blunt but you did ask."

"Yeah, I know. It’s just that I thought I should make her last few hours happy ones at least."

"You’re much too nice for your own good, buddy." He playfully slapped my leg and stood up. "Well, gotta go, good luck."

I watched Dave leave, then picked up the bottle he’d been drinking from by the neck and strolled back to my cabin.
I found it surprisingly difficult to look at Julie when I was back in the bathroom, so I just placed the bottle on the floor and went to make the call to reception.

It wasn’t foolproof, I knew that, but if worse came to worst, Dave’s fingerprints on the bottle left next to Julie’s bath and the remains of his DNA in her vagina would go a long way towards creating doubt in the mind of any curious police.

My smartest move though, had been to get Dave to check out the hairdryer a couple of days before, on the pretext of checking if it would be lethal if dropped in water.
Sounds stupid, I know, but it was enough to get him to hold it and get his prints on it.

So now, all that was necessary was for me to spend the time until the ambulance arrived in preparing myself. Tears, sobbing, red eyes, I could do all that, I was genuinely upset. 
No, I was, truly. 
And I would miss Julie, her unbridled sexuality, her joy in living life to the full, her uncanny ability to excite me like no other.

Still, some things can never go unpunished.

(Clayton Long is a pseudonym I use for obvious reasons. My wife’s death was the subject of a short inquest but the coroner returned a verdict of "death by misadventure" so there have been no legal repercussions. I have not seen Dave since that night but his sister Claudia and I now live together. We enjoy an original and stimulating sex life together. In fact, Claudia has recently taken to inventing and telling little stories during our lovemaking. Mostly fantasies about her meeting romantic strangers in bars or on a beach. Insignificant, harmless stuff really … but it does excite me …)

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