Felicia Chapman (author)

Felicia chapman

I should've asked those guys where the communications room was, now I was stuck wondering around almost aimlessly. Then I remembered that I now had the scientist, I maybe a goddess, but I still tend to forget most things. I transformed and slithered back to the cell.

I arrived to see Justin holding the scientist's massively inflated body. Her womb looked like she was carrying a hundred human babies to term, and her breasts were so huge they actually fell to the floor from five feet in the air.
"Nice work Justin."
"Goodbye, Mother." I realised too late that a spiked tentacle was poised behind me. By the time I reacted it had penetrated my chest, spearing my heart and ripping it from my chest. I stared down at it in disbelief, then at my son. I saw his eyes, full of rage and sorrow, and watched as tears rolled down his cheeks, and fall onto the scientist.
"W-Why?" I managed to choke before everything went dark and my life came to an end.

I woke up clad in a black gown and strapped to a cold metal table.
"Where am I?" I demanded of the shadows that surrounded the table. From these shadows came... me?
"This is your hell."
"Each person has a hell specified to their sins, and your sin involved fucking... a lot." The other me said with a smirk and from her groin grew a cock so large that I believed it to be thicker than my upper chest, and longer than my legs.
"Like that would frighten me, I'm the Queen Lamia!"
"Not anymore, you're not. Here you're just another pathetic human, who's about to receive the most brutal fucking of their lives." My double explained and I shook my head in fear and disbelief, though I knew her words to be true.
"Open wide!" She said sadistically and made the first thrust into me. She would thrust up, making my womb stretch outwards to accommodate the massive phallus, and whenever she pulled out my cervix and hymen would repair themselves so that whenever she thrust in, she tore through them both, again and again. With each thrust and sob a single word echoed through my mind; Why... 


"I'm back!" Justin announced and was instantly met by his wife, Jasmine.
"It's about time," She said, pretending to be angry, but her frown quickly turned to a smile and she kissed him deeply, "The kids need you." She patted her massive belly and felt one of the children kick.
"Of course, the 'the kids'." He said. After killing his own mother he had gotten to know, and fall in love with the same scientist who he had fucked full of his sperm. Her breasts had deflated a lot over the past year, but they were still several cups bigger than before.
"Well then let their friends come out." With that he was naked and so was she, tentacles writhed around them, searching for holes to fuck. Soon his own children would be born, and he would make sure that they didn't abuse the power his bloodline to them. But most all he vowed to love his wife, and cherish each moment they had together.

The End...?

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