Felicia Chapman (author)

Felicia chapman


I looked at the emperor, "ready Professor?"


I nodded to the emperor and he took a breath before starting to walk with his granddaughter holding his arm. I walked at his side as we started up the stairs and then went down a hall. I opened the side door into the Assembly before nodding to the emperor, "shut them up Professor."
All the mics screamed like it was feed back and everyone hesitated. I yelled, "ON YOUR FEET!"

They looked and started to stand as I walked beside the emperor towards the front of the assembly hall. Several started talking and I snarled, "shut the hell up morons."

I stopped at the edge of the raised platform and looked at the three men standing on it, "get off and back to your seats."

They looked at each other and one licked his lips, "I am..."

I pointed my rifle, "committing treason, get off and back to your seat now."

They moved and I nodded to the emperor, "sir."

He climbed the steps with his granddaughter and walked to the center. I continued to scan the people in the hall while he talked. The Professor murmured in my ear, "company."

I looked at the eight commandoes as they walked through the far doors and started down the open walk. I shifted, "halt."

The one in the lead looked at me, "I am the emperor’s personal..."

I pointed my weapon, "you are a traitor."

One lifted his weapon and died as he was shot. I looked at them calmly, "the emperor is no longer a puppet. I would run before you are sentenced and hung."

They backed up but one stood fast as the others ran. He licked his lips, "I am loyal to the emperor."

I looked at him carefully, "Professor?"


I waited as the others left and a moment later the Professor came back, "clean."

I nodded to the commando, "no one approaches him without his permission."

He nodded and I gestured to the door, "watched the door."

The next two months were filled with a lot of politicos trying to keep their power. Of course the emperor was having none of that and dealt with them harshly. Those that were not shot for treason were impoverished and sent to new colony worlds. Mostly I dealt with new commandoes straight out of the academy. The senior fleet officers that were not killed by explosives planted in the walls of their offices ran.

The Professor was culling through the senior officers left to find loyal replacements. Sharp and Mat were reworking the commando academy training program while David, Adam, Jeff and Paul protected the emperor and trained new guards. It is surprising how the people have rallied to support the emperor. Jen, Ally and Emily actually helped a lot in those weeks, meeting with people and setting up appointments if necessary.

I stretched when I walked out on deck of the King’s Tear and looked at my wife. She was on the dock speaking to my team we were taking out. Jen turned and grinned when she saw me, "about time you were up."

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