Elijah Larjin (author)

Elijah larjin

"What the…" Lyden announced from the back as the magical car jerked again.

Shlee sprawled into his lap, and Eldon struggled to help her get upright when the car flipped onto its driver’s side, and a horrendous screech sounded next to him.

"What happened?" Eldon asked as Shlee and he disentangled from each other. The car had come to a stop, but his head rang from a blow he took in the process.

"I don’t know," his father said, concern thick in his voice. "The Orange Bubble is almost always smooth to ride in, unless… What’s that?"

Eldon rubbed at his ears, trying to will away the ringing, but it was Shlee who answered as the car shook again.

"It sounds like explosions. Can we be under attack?" She had a small cut on her left cheek, but it appeared to be minor. The way her left arm hung limply at her side, however, was another matter.

"You’re hurt," Eldon worried over her, but she shrugged him off. He watched as her arm righted itself, and Lyden answered her question. She was a fast healer, which he should have recalled from her being a werewolf, but his head was fuzzy.

"The car is magical. It’s not supposed to be detectable by any ordinary means when traveling. It’s why I never had to worry about speeding tickets, or the paparazzi when I’m traveling around on Earth."

Eldon felt at his head, noting a tender but large lump in the back. He must have struck it hard against the windows when they crashed. As he looked around, he found the interior of the car was lit from daylight outside, but dim otherwise. The Orange Bubble’s interior lights were dark.

"Brock?" Brooke called out, then shouted, "Brock!" She sounded dazed, but panic soon filled her voice. "Lyden, he’s not breathing!"

"Whoa…" Oberon’s voice wobbled as much as Eldon’s head as he tried to stand. "What a bad trip. Brock? Bridgette?" There was a pause, and Eldon saw the small fairy king stumble around. One of his wings was broken, hanging oddly from his back, and the other had a terrible tear in it. Then he spotted his lover. "Oh, fuck! Lover!" He leaped into the air and landed next to Brock’s prone body.

Brock’s mechanical legs were tipped over. The water that usually rested in the bowl that he swam in soaked the carpet beneath. Eldon knew he needed constant water, though he also knew it wasn’t required for him to breathe.

Pounding sounded from outside the car, on the door that was directly over Eldon’s head. The voice that yelled in was full of authority and sent chills down Eldon’s spine.

"By order of the righteous and human society of the Paladonic Knights, we order you to come out and face justice, foul abomination, and betrayer of humanity, Lyden Snow."

Eldon turned to look at his father, color draining from their faces as they recognized that voice.

"I thought only men were part of the Paladonic Knights," Megan said as blood dripped from a cut on her chin.

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