Daniela I. Norris (author)

Daniela I. Norris, a former diplomat turned political writer – and with age and wisdom – inspirational writer and speaker.

Daniela i. norris

Daniela I. Norris, a former diplomat turned political writer – and with
age and wisdom – inspirational writer and speaker, lost her twenty-year-old
brother Michael in a drowning accident in May 2010. While feeling as much
shock and grief as everyone else around her, she also felt something
different. She felt that her brother was not really gone. He was physically
gone, but he was still around. That was when she embarked on a journey of
learning and exploration, her very own skeptic's journey to mediumship. She is now a certified PLR (Past Life Regression) and LBL (Life Between Lives) Regression Therapist and
lives with her family near Geneva, Switzerland.

Her stories, articles and essays have been published in numerous newspapers
and magazines. On Dragonfly Wings: a skeptic’s journey to mediumship was
out in April 2014, followed by Collecting Feathers: tales from The Other
Side in November 2014. Her first novel, Recognitions, was out from Roundfire Books in January 2016.

User links: Website Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Amazon Goodreads


tales from The Other Side
a skeptic's journey to mediumship
Recognitions explores the concepts of past lives, recognition of people and their roles in our present lives and life lessons.
