Benny Kennedy (author)

Benny kennedy

It was a good plan, one that took strong advantage of the natural features found in the landscape. Scott had chosen well when he stopped here, and almost everything went according to plan.

A significant part of the Moverts had fed on human flesh, and they were far more cunning than the horde of their kin. They knew to conserve their strength and not rush headlong down the hill en masse. They remembered the Grove, hidden by the three huge boulders, and they remembered the cliffs just beyond.

There were about forty of them altogether, led by the biggest and smartest of them all. They were not keen on following directions, and trusted one another not at all, but they knew that to have any hope of survival of their species was in cooperation.

These crept down the hill, and watched the slaughter of the thousands by the strange legged warriors. They found the crack in the hill where the cliff had split and formed the hidden passage, and silently climbed down to the bottom.

Only an excited hoot by the first one down gave the humans any warning at all what was about to befall them. The line of humans guarding the back of the Grove saw movement down the line of the cliff, and all were ready, or so they thought.

Forty or more great, powerful Moverts rushed the line, ignoring the spears that impaled them in their hatred, and drove their own bodies further onto the sticks in order to slash and rend the humans holding them.

Scott and Jordan both saw the attack, and they saw humans falling before the raging attack. They looked at each other and nodded, racing across the Grove and killing Moverts with every blow of their staffs.

A light surrounded them, and their weapons, and power surged through their arms and legs as they kicked and hacked the green monsters to pieces. A complete calm had taken over both men, and they worked together seamlessly to save the Trees from harm.

A handful of the Moverts had hung back from even this attack, and as their compatriots fell, one by one, they slipped back out of sight and crept back up the Mountain.

The sun was setting, and the Battle was over, out on the Plains, as well as in the Grove. The Kalastiel came back in, almost all of them, and they saw the four fallen humans at the base of the cliff. There was complete silence in the Grove as people, human and Kalastiel alike, began to lay down to sleep and mist away into the ground.

Onthamar, Scott, Tiana, and Jordan stayed awake long enough to stand together in a small circle and enjoy a moment of bonding, but none wanted to break the Silence that honored their dead. Onthamar was the first to nod, and went under Sononia to sleep himself back to his other body.

Tiana was the next, and Scott and Jordan looked at each other a long moment. 

"Stay in Flagstaff. I'm coming to you." he said, then went to lay down himself. Scott joined him, and the world faded away.

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