Andrew Beesley (author)

Andrew beesley

"I am purely a visitor here and was intrigued to find a society of humans being so far from Earth. How did these people arrive here?" I questioned holding onto my slightly sullen composure, well, sullen compared to them.

Raven responded, "We traveled here as you did. Aboard a ship that held its voyagers in stasis until it reached the destination. These are a majority of what you might know as 'alien abductees' and other disappeared individuals from your planet. A very many of them have suffered years of abuse, neglect, and other unfair circumstances that should never have occurred. I found it overwhelming how earthlings treat each other, and how wars are fought over territory that didn't belong to them in the first place. You elect presidents and political leaders into office that don't speak for you, but for their own pocketbooks. You mine and plunder your homelands for resources until they have been tapped beyond usefulness, and then wonder why the climate has changed irreparably. Many of these people I saved were on the brink of ground breaking research that easily would save the inhabitants of Earth from extinction, but no one listened. Not even religion saved a tenth of your population from repenting of their sins, and for that I regrettably had to end a great number of lives in the name of letting the many good people live peaceful existences". Raven breathed deeply and began to cry, but shook it off and waited on me for an answer.

"I wondered where all of the friends I once knew went away to. You drove them from me in order to save them? Why not take me with you instead of stealing the reasons I wanted to continue living and then justify it all in the name of a greater good?" I began to turn from her, walking down the path to the clearing my ship rested in. Got inside and flicked all of the switches in preparation to leave when a form became solid in a mist of smoke beside me. Raven whispered, "I am sorry about doing that. I can offer no consolation except the option to live here and be happier than you were back home. I do wish I could take it all back and let the horrible people extinguish the few good worthy of saving but I had to save what I could. I am so sorry. Go if you must". Raven disappeared in the same mist. I couldn't figure out what to do.

Raven was standing outside of my ship watching me come out to meet her. "I decided to stay here but there is one exception to my decision. I am declining the euphoric treatment. Just allow me to adjust to this place for a little while". She took my hand, leading me towards the group of smiling faces. Everyone I could see was reaching out their hands to me, welcoming me back with cheers and applause in tribute to me. I immediately began to feel a little more human surrounded by all of those I had lost.

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