Time Management: Guide to Get the Effective Productivity and your life. by Shari Dixit

Are you you looking for a way to Get Everything Done

Time management: guide to get the effective productivity and your life.


In this unique guide to time management, you will learn how to improve your life in the simplest of ways and completely transform the way you think so you can manage time and stop procrastination to get things done! 

It’s time to step away from the time-sucks that are preventing you from enjoying life and start making changes so that you can begin to take pleasure in all of the benefits that living a productive life brings. Benefits such as more time for yourself (and your family), less stress and tension, and a happier, calmer disposition. This book is not a lengthy scientific study, it is a quick read, that will save you time, while giving you all the right directions you need to become more productive.

Download This Great Book Today!

Genre: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Management

Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Language: English

Keywords: time management, time management for busy people, time management for women, time management productivity, small business, time management system, procrastination, productivity

Word Count: 6906

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Sample text:

For this reason, take a week from Sunday through Saturday to write down what you do every minute of every day. This includes what time you go to bed, how much you sleep, what time you wake up, your morning routine, activities and how long each one takes, your commute to work and what you do with that time, and so forth. Also, note when you check your social media, why you do it, and how long you use it for.

Every minute of the day counts. It may sound a bit rigid right now, and yes, this is a tall order if you don’t already have a written schedule and are naturally the type of person who doesn’t like to keep a track record of anything. This can include the food journal your doctor asked you to keep or how many sets and reps you did at the gym. Trust me, I’ve been there–I understand how agonizing this may feel, but the results will be worth it.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Chantal Gagnon
Already translated. Translated by Pedro Barbosa
Already translated. Translated by Silvina Schreiber

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