Speed Reading: Best Ways Boost Productivity and Double Your Reading Speed by Giacomo Spencer

(68) Best Ways Boost Productivity and Double Your Reading Speed

Speed reading:  best ways boost productivity and double your reading speed


This book will help you in all those ways by showing you how to build a speed-reading toolkit and showing you how and when to use each tool for the most effective speed reading results. If you follow the directions, you should see results in a few days of practice and be well on your way to becoming a master speed reader in just a few months.

Understanding the true nature of a person makes you a better negotiator because you can read emotions like desperation, and you are likely to get a better deal than you would if you couldn’t read the person. In addition, it is easier to deflect negative emotions when they are thrown at you because you understand well where they are coming from. You become more empathetic and accommodating of people and their flaws. 


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Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: EDUCATION / General

Language: English

Keywords: speed reading, reading, learning, memory, brain training, memory improvement, memorizing, school, test, marks, study, studying

Word Count: 15590

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Sample text:

There are many reasons why you may want to learn more about speed reading and implement it into your schedule. There are a lot of people who want to learn more things, be able to keep up with intelligent conversation, or you want to be able to get through documents and emails at work without having to spend all day trying to get it done. 

Speed reading can help to make a difference. It will help you to get through information so much faster than ever before, while still being able to comprehend the things that you are reading. Rather than wasting a lot of time trying to get more information, such as from a magazine, newspaper, email, or something else, you can speed read through it in a matter of minutes (after some practice) and get the good results that you are looking for. 

Reading is something that we spend a ton of time doing each day. We will read things at home, at the store, at school, and even at work. It is important to be able to take in a lot of information through reading each day. But the speed that you can read at will make a big difference in how much information you can get in each day. 

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