Just a Theory: a quantum love adventure by Annie Wood

A lonley man travels to a parallel universe and has an ideal life there.

Just a theory: a quantum love adventure

Just when Martin thinks his life will never go anywhere remotely interesting, he meets an eccentric quantum physicist who gives him the ability to travel to his parallel lives where, in one of them, he runs a successful bed and breakfast with his beautiful wife in Italy. Problem is, he has no control over any of it.

Genre: FICTION / Science Fiction / General

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Romance / General

Language: English


Word Count: 30,000

Sales info:

It's only been out a month and I haven't PR'd it yet.

Just a Theory is based on my screenplay, Martin's Theory,
a Write Movies Finalist and an official selection in the Beverly Hills Film Festival.

Sample text:


Have you ever experienced déjà vu?”
“You just asked me that.”  
“It’s a little metaphysical comedy.” The professor laughs.
Martin can’t find the funny right now. He just glares at the professor.
How about the feeling that you know someone from before, even though you’ve just met?” the professor asks.
“Sure, I’ve felt that before.”
“All of that is because you have met them and you have been there before. Maybe even simultaneously.”
Martin puts his head in his hands again as the professor goes on to explain Einstein’s theory of everything.
“We all know Einstein’s most popular theory, the theory of relativity and his second great theory which brought us general relativity, space warps, the Big Bang, and black holes. But, it’s his third one, the theory of everything, that was his greatest theory. What he had hoped for was that his crowning achievement would be the discovery of the unified field theory. An attempt to read the mind of God.”
“What did God say?”
“Nobody knows. Einstein died before he finished it.”
“And this helps me how?” Martin asks.
“It doesn’t. I’m sure this is just a temporary opening and will close soon enough. In the end, you might have fleeting memories, but that’s all. In the meantime, enjoy this peek into the mysterious.” The professor giggles a little as he leans back in his chair and pretend puffs on his prop pipe.
Martin considers beating him over the head with the Einstein bust.


Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Translation in progress. Translated by Laetitia Stievenart
Translation in progress. Translated by Konstantina Karampetsou
Already translated. Translated by Angela D'Ambrosio
Already translated. Translated by Giovanna Rizzo Fonseca
Already translated. Translated by Marcos Solís

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
