Chakra: Heal Yourself & Transform Your Life Master Chakra (For Beginners) by Terah Choquette

(33) Heal Yourself & Transform Your Life Master Chakra (For Beginners)

Chakra: heal yourself & transform your life master chakra (for beginners)


If you are new to Aromatherapy and Chakras this book will help you understand the medicinal, therapeutic and healing benefits of Essential Oils, the functions of major chakras and aroma method for clearing them of negative energy. This is your first step in a lifetime journey of natural, holistic self care and wellness. Essential Oils are a natural way to help body and mind relax and spirit to heal. 

we can partner with them to adjust our own personal vibration, align with the pulse of the earth, heal ourselves, and live more authentically.The usefulness of these stones is due to the vibrational frequency they contain—in the form of light and color. Just like the color spectrum is measured in density of light, so do stones contain trapped light frequencies, as well as various minerals, which add to their vibratory properties. 


Discover how you can benefit from a healing technique that’s been used for thousands of years. Crystal healing continues to provide positive benefits for people all over the world. If you’re ready to take advantage of this ancient technique, download this ebook now! You’ll be glad that you did. 

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.


Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / General

Language: English

Keywords: meditation, meditation for beginners, meditation and mindfullness, buddhism, zen, meditation exercises

Word Count: 5497

Sales info:

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Sample text:

This chakra is the first of the energy centers. It is located at the base of the spine, slightly above the genital area and is represented by the color red in the rainbow spectrum. The root chakra is associated with the base of spine, feet, rectum, legs, bones, sexual organs, immune system, pelvis, appendix, bladder, and the hips. It is also related to grounding, rooting, and support.


The base chakra is also associated with inter-connection with past lives and the earth, as well as your levels of physical energy and your will to live in the physical reality. The major role of this chakra is to transform and refine your energy before it enters the higher chakra centers.


The sexual spirited energy is normally stored in this chakra and you can always activate it through yoga, to rise through each of the chakras and up to the crown chakra. As you do this, your awareness and spiritual growth of other levels of energy occur.


When your root chakra is open and functions well, you get a powerful will to live, and you are full of physical energy. When it is weak or blocked, your physical vitality is closed and you are unable to present a strong physical impression.


If you happen to suffer from a weak root chakra, you lose your physical power and coordination. You will find that you avoid any physical activity, and will find it hard to express yourself physically. A weak root chakra will also make you feel not grounded and lacking a firm foundation.


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