Body Language: Necessary Lies, Body Language, Big Little Lies, and Lies You Wanted To Hear by Philip Shipman

Body Language: Master the Art of Nonverbal Communication & Speed-read What Everybody Is Saying

Body language: necessary lies, body language, big little lies, and lies you wanted to hear


As a kind of nonverbal communication, body language is necessary to communicate thoughts, feelings and intentions through facial expression, touch, movement of eyes, gesture and body posture. Body language is not a sign language, but it is a full language used to communicate and understand the feelings and intentions of your family members and colleagues. Body language doesn’t use interpretation and grammar. The meaning of body language may depend on the particular movement. In every society, a particular behavior is used for the interpretation of body language. If you want to learn body language, this book can be helpful for you.

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Genre: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Management

Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Language: English

Keywords: Psychology, personality, relationship, body language, body language secrets, body language training, how to analyze people, NLP and Persuasion for Manipulation, Influence, Communication, communication skills, effective communication

Word Count: 18530

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Sample text:

Personal Space: Body language also has to do with where one places their own body in relation to where others are positioned. For example, this could have to do with whether they place themselves in the middle of a room, very close to others, and whether they make themselves very small or spread out.

Small Movements: Body language encompasses motions that are almost imperceptible to the conscious mind, such as micro-expressions of the face and movements of the eyes. It can involve motions of the mouth or subtle eyebrow movements, as well.

Hand Gestures: The movements of a person’s hands while they are speaking can say a lot about how they’re feeling and even convey hidden messages in their speech. Hands are one of the major ways that the human species has developed to express itself.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Ingrid Veiga
Already translated. Translated by Sofia Romero

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