Aging Like a Guru by Dr. Rosie Kuhn

You will experience relief in knowing you are not alone, and you will see the humor and humility of everyday aging like a guru. Who Me?!

Aging like a guru

With aging, regardless of which stage of life we are talking about, there is a metamorphosis taking place. In truth, it scares the Bejeesus out of each and every one of us. Why? Because we don't know how to do this thing called aging. We would rather practice tried and true DENIAL. Who wants to admit to themselves, or anyone else, the degree to which they feel powerless and helpless about what’s happening to them? Um, like, no one! Aging Like a Guru - Who Me? Is an assimilation of blogs written in 2017 about all aspects of life as we age. You will find yourself revealed through many of the issues covered brilliantly and sensitively by Dr. Rosie. You will experience relief in knowing you are not alone, and you will see the humor and humility of everyday aging like a guru. Who Me?!


Language: English

Keywords: Aging, Spirituality

Word Count: 33,000

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Always Look on the Bright Side of Life!

If you are old enough to be reading this article you are old enough to understand that you have been participating in the aging process well before your little feet landed on the planet. You experienced the process of aging when you lost your first teeth around the age of six. Six years later, you began to develop muscle, breasts, pubic hair, and growth. Invisible hormones began to create sensations that were way beyond your ability to control. For many of us, we looked forward to these changes. For others, not so much!

In the mid-thirties and forties, you began to notice a wrinkle or two, and grey hair begins to pop up in the most peculiar places. Perhaps the biological clock was ticking, pressing upon you the need to get started with baby-making.

In the late forties and into your fifties, your skin begins to loosen and get crepey. Boobs sag - and so does everything else. Erections are more difficult, and so is peeing. Little by little you experience physical changes that you heard were coming, but always believed it would never happen to you. Who me?


Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Karen Guzman
Already translated. Translated by Tutú Werneck
Already translated. Translated by Lidia Folgar

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