Wendy Raebeck (author)

Wendy Raebeck
Author is not accepting translation offers at this time.

Wendy raebeck

Aloha, and thanks for taking interest in my books! 

My books revisit my numerous incarnations—traveler, adventurer, schyster, journalist, actress, waitress, lover, flight dispatcher, newspaper boy. “I Did Inhale—Memoir of a Hippie Chick” was the first of my memoirs, and next came “Expedition Costa Rica.” “Some Swamis are Fat” was published  under pen-name Ava Greene, and my most recent book, "Stars in Our Eyes," is a collection of true stories. Coming next is poetry, "Cool in the Shade." And more books to follow! All the books are  adventurous, spirited, and light-hearted. And they have five-star reviews on Amazon. Check out what readers have to say at Amazon.com for more insight into my work.

Regarding translations, I like working with teams—we then have more eyes on the job and more energy toward marketing. It's also easier and less stressful for the translators. But you don't have to approach me as a team; a second translator can be found through Babelcube.

As a seasoned traveler—I've been to 45 countries and 46 of the United States—so I'm extremely enthusiastic about translations of my books and offering them abroad. And it's fun to work with translators all over the world!

My goal is to keep publishing excellent books in English. Then people who read one will want to read the others. With inspired and professional translations, the same can be true in other countries. If you love translating and are commited to polished and accurate work, perhaps you can work on more than one of my books.

Visit “WendyRaebeck.com” for photos, excerpts, blog posts, and to join my email list for news of future books and discounts.

I look forward to hearing about you ~

Wendy Raebeck


User links: Website Facebook LinkedIn Amazon Goodreads


Author is not accepting translation offers at this time.
Author is not accepting translation offers at this time.
The quest for enlightenment is not a straight line. What is enlightenment anyway? And where does the quest for 'perfection' lead?
