Vasu Dev (author)

Quantum Leap Consultancy PLT
I am Vasudev, a first-time author who has written a rare, trendy subject in the area of Human Development, titled "Collaborative Intelligence (CQ At Work)"

Vasu dev

My involvement in the frontier of human change for the last 30 years as a training consultant, and years of experience in writing soft-skill training manuals prompted me to write this book. This subject matter is believed to be a game-changer in the field of Human Development. The content of this book is highly needed, but scarce, as there are very few authors on this subject around the world, which is an added advantage. Despite being recently released, there are already a few reviews that indicate that this book is a "must-have" reference material in libraries around the world. It has high potential to generate high financial returns. I wish to share the potential financial gain of this book with a good translator who not only sees this material as an effort to serve mankind, but also one who is able to sustain the "heart-factor", which is projected in the book. This book definitely has the ability to go far and beyond, and I would like someone to join me in my mission to make it available in every corner of the world. Based on some Evolutionary theorists, there is a desperate need for Collaborative Intelligence to reach every human mind. As quoted by Zan Gill, "Collaborative Intelligence is our best hope of saving our world, which is not nearly worth trillions of dollars, it is everything." Hence, I believe the world needs this book now, more than ever. 

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