Valerie Limmer (author)

Valerie Limmer loves to sharing the good news of Jesus’ love, hope, and salvation. She also writes books to help Christians grow in their capacity to love and follow Jesus.

Valerie limmer

Valerie Limmer lives in Okinawa, Japan, where she works as a missionary, sharing the good news of Jesus’ love, hope, and salvation. Her first book, On the Potter’s Wheel, was a memoir focusing on her first two years as a missionary in Japan.

Valerie is neither a therapist nor a theologian, but she has experienced severe abuse from a handful of people. Through Captive Set Free, her second book, she shares many of the principles and techniques she’s learned and applied to her own life on her journeys towards forgiveness.

In her spare time, Valerie enjoys writing, drawing, learning new languages, and making Japanese wax food models. She and her husband, Peter, are originally from the Greater Toronto Area, in Canada.


NOTE: Captive Set Free was released October 18, 2022.

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A practical guide on how to find freedom through forgiving, Captive Set Free is an invitation to step out of being imprisoned by pain and toxicity, and into the free and abundant life that Jesus has to offer.
A raw look at love, suffering, betrayal, and broken faith.
