Timothy Trimble (author)

Timothy Trimble
Air Born - 5 star rated Science Fiction Novel is ready for the rest of the world!

Timothy trimble

I'm a published author, freelance writer, technologist, and software developer - basically, a geek who likes to write. I've written books for Microsoft Press, Wiley Publications, user guides, and more articles than I can count on all my digits. While the non-fiction writing has been great, my heart lies in the telling of science fiction and urban fantasy stories. I've met Captain Kirk, taught Harry Anderson (Night Court) how to fly in Flight Simulator, been in front of the TV camera four times, and played in an awesome band at the House of Blues. I'm a "creative" who just wants to share my stories with the world and hopefully find a way to make a living out of it.

My Zegin's Adventures stories are a popular ebook and print releases on Amazon, and my latest full-length sci-fi novel, Air Born, is receiving glowing reviews (and awesome book selfie pictures) from around the world. Due to the clamoring of my loving fans and readers, the latest focus of my attention is Air Storm - the second book in the Air Born series.

I live in the Pacific Northwest, where the prevalence of coffee shops and hiking trails contribute to my inspiration. Aside from telling stories, I dabble in all sorts of computer technologies, I'm a public speaker and a promoter of effective life goals. I try to be insightful, but I'm usually humorous as I mumble here and on social media. If you're fortunate, you might find me planting or giving away a signed copy of one of my books at a random public location.

My books:

Air Born Paperback on Amazon:

Zegin's Infection on Amazon

Zegin's Abduction

An interview with me:

Funky Writer Interview

User links: Website Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Amazon Goodreads


Avitorians, who have the ability to fly, live among us, but they keep it secret due to being hunted by a group called The Eighteenth.
