Stefan Mey (author)

Stefan Mey
experienced journalist and traveler who wrote his first book about India

Stefan mey

I've worked as a journalist since 2004, therefore have almost ten years experience in professonal writing. I traveled all my life. My blog,, is online since 2007. During a five-month-trip through India, I wrote my book "India 2.0 - Tweeting in tuk-tuks". It's a book about tech in India, the growing middleclass, intercultural encounters and religion.

As a journalist, I won the prize of "Österreichischer Zivilivalidenverband" for a reportage on disabled people. I was also nominated for the categories "best article on economic topics" by LGT Bank and "Best article on Turkey" by the Turkish Embassy in Vienna. 

As a blogger, I was awarded "Blogger vor der Linse" twice by the Austrian blogger-association "Blögger" and featured in the magazine "Der österreichische Journalist". 

User links: Website


India's new middle-class embraces tech and social media. In this world, a journalist tries to do business - and faces intercultural challenges instead.
