Salif Silva (author)

Transmedia Designer, Professor and Researcher

Salif silva

Salif Silva, PhD. [transmedia designer] is Professor and Researcher at the Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Cabo Verde (Uni-CV). He received his doctorate in Design (Fine Arts) from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain. Professor and Researcher at the Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Cabo Verde (Uni-CV). He holds a degree in Multimedia Design and Technologies from the Escola Superior de Arte e Design of Caldas da Rainha, with a postgraduate degree in Web Design from the Escola Superior de Tecnologias e Artes of Lisbon. With a Masters in Graphic Production and Design/Inter-media from the University of Barcelona and in Science and Technologies of Communication from the Fernando Pessoa University in Porto. He holds a Diploma of Advanced Studies from the Polytechnic University of Valencia. He currently serves as Director of the Communication and Image Office of Uni-CV. He was a member of the Scientific Council and research co-ordinator of the Center for Research in Local Development and Spatial Planning (CIDLOT) at the UniCV where he created the research unit in Design and Territory and co-coordinated the III and IV International Cycle of Conferences Cities and Globalization: Perspectives from the Global South. He is also a member of XU COLLECTIVE, an artist collective. Salif Silva's interdisciplinary works explore discursive and cultural practices in areas such as design and territory, new media, digital interfaces, data visualization and interaction design. Areas of Interest: Communication Design, Graphic Production, Multimedia Technologies, Interaction Design, New Media. He has published articles, conferences and exhibitions in Cabo Verde, Portugal, Spain, USA, Canada, Mexico and South Africa.


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