RM Alexander (author)

RM Alexander-Where love conquers deceptions

Rm alexander

RM Alexander was born in Illinois. Since she moved to Johnsburg, Illinois outside of McHenry at the age of one, she has always considered that her hometown. Growing up, she moved several times before settling in Portage, Michigan. It was there she graduated and met her husband. A few years afterwards, they married, moved to Plainwell, MI and had two children. 

Her early jobs included customer service, daycare teacher, conversion analyst for a major OTC pharmaceutical company and travel agent. But after her daughters were born, focus changed from working outside the home and servicing clients to raising the children.

Reading was an important part of growing up. RM's parents read to her every night, and she learned early to develop a love for books. That, combined with a healthy imagination, was the perfect mix for RM. At the age of ten, she picked up a pen and paper and wrote out her first novel. "It was awful," she says now. "I had so much to learn." But it birthed the lifelong passion for writing.

Though the first twenty years of writing were spent as an on again, off again hobby, RM always felt drawn back to it. Finally, when her oldest daughter was born, something clicked inside. "I just knew, and I don't know why that was the moment,  I was supposed to be writing."

Her first published novel, Matter of Choice, was released in January of 2014. She writes romantic suspense.

When she's not writing, she enjoys time with her husband and daughters.  She loves to travel, especially to Walt Disney World, and is addicted to Ghiradelli chocolates.   

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A lethal game of chess targets elite Hollywood and attempts to destroy true love.
