Pietro Giacomo Menolfi (author)

Doctor writer, reader and translator

Pietro giacomo menolfi

I am a doctor still working. I spent many years of my life in African Countries.

I lived and worked in different places of the planet.

I wrote some books

Anima Africana (new wdition Yevu)


These two books are linked to my African experience.


is a book I wrote after my experience in the United Kingdom. 

I translated other books from English and published them.


User links: Facebook


Nothing but success, tears and sweats of an African dream
OTARGIMMI (Immigrato al contrario) Questo libro racconta la storia del Dr Marcello, costretto ad emigrare, non per una delle comuni ragioni sottese al fenomeno migratorio, ma come estrema ratio, in alterativa al suicidio. La vita gli ha chiuso all‘improv
A white doctor in Africa
