Peter Ljung (author)

Peter James Ljung. A Scotsman living in Sweden.

Peter ljung

In 2014 I moved to Sweden after spending thirty years in the South-West of Scotland.My Swedish wife of nearly six years had to have hospital treatment after finding out she had cancer for the third time.The next year, 2015, I had my second heart attack and shortly after started to write my first novel.By the end of that year I had a fifty-seven-thousand-word book. I never thought that I could achieve that.Up until December 2018 I have five books self-published. My sixth is on the back burner now due to writing a non-fiction book on sobriety. This came about after my youngest son became ill with alcoholism and on December 22nd, 2018 passed away. I am 29 years sober and need to write this book to maybe help others on this subject.I would like the book to be translated into as many different languages as possible.

My second project is my first science fiction thriller novel. " The ultimate instrument of justice." First edition was released 2016.


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A science fiction vigilante
Shares on sobriety
