Pasquale Pizzichetti (author)

Pasquale Pizzichetti
Born in 1962 in Germany of Italian parents, technical enthusiast in general. Married with two children, he lives in Veneto in Portogruaro (Italy). Surveyor, consultant and expert on renewable energies. Activist for electric mobility.

Pasquale pizzichetti

Passionate about technology in general, amateur radio since he was young.
Italian Army officer for twenty-two years old, a specialist in telecommunications.
Diploma geometer, with a passion for green building.
Passionate about energy and the environment. Supporter of renewable energies. Activist for electric mobility.
I am a member of several associations in the social and environmental field.
I write for pleasure and sharing technical articles and manuals under the "Do It Yourself." Currently sells at major online bookstores at least two books in e-book format. Others are in the works.

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