Nidal Saadeh (author)

Nidal Saadeh Author of Create Your Life by Force , the book that changes lives for the better.

Nidal saadeh

Nidal Saadeh is a father, philanthropist, entrepreneur, and certified neurolinguistic programmer (NLP). Upon graduating with a degree in electrical engineering, Saadeh soon changed course and traveled the world, marketing resort properties and as part of the financial industry.

Wanting to share his success with others, Saadeh began researching the ways life events unfold, studying self-help, new thought, metaphysics, and more. Combined with his passion to help improve the lives of those around him, Saadeh wrote Create Your Life by Force in order to impart the knowledge he’d gathered over the years. Saadeh is from Bath, England.

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Change your life for the better using the power of thought, feeling,and belief.
