Michele Barrow-Belisle (author)

Bestselling Fantasy Romance Author

Michele barrow-belisle

A dreamer at heart, Michele Barrow-Belisle has always lived with one foot in this reality and one foot in another, one of her own imagining. So it follows that she would grow up to write about the characters from those enchanting worlds she knows and loves so well. A fan of all things romantic, her young adult novels are populated with scintillating witches, vampires and fey.  Her bestselling debut book series Fire and Ice (Faerie Song Trilogy) is currently in development for a major motion picture with Khando Entertainment. Michele resides in southern Canada with her hubby and son who indulge her never-ending obsession with reading, writing and most importantly… chocolate.  

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"She's done everything to forget her dreams. He'll do anything to make her remember."
