Michael Serovey (author)

Mike Serovey Enterprises, LLC
100% Disabled and going out of business

Michael serovey

Mike Serovey, MA, MISM (1958 - present) is a veteran of the US Army, and is now 100% disabled. In July of 2016 Mike had a stroke that damaged the right side of his brain. Mike lost some hearing in his left ear and some vision in his left eye. Cataracts are making the vision problems worse. Mike has poor control of his entire left side and poor balance and poor coordination. Mike has been unable to drive for almost 3 years now. Without the right person helping him, Mike is unable to finish the projects that he began before his stroke. Getting impatient with Mike will only make his problems worse.

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This book is based upon a study of how chess players think.
This book reviews the beliefs about the afterlife that are held by the LDS church.
