Michael Dirubio (author)

A new author on the scene dedicated to storytelling and character driven novels.

Michael dirubio

A lifelong fascination with reading and books has led the author to wrote down the stories occuring in his head.  Born many years ago, in a far off place called Denver, the author served first in the US Navy.  After twenty years and being thoroughly ruined for polite compnay, the man decided to stay in the defense industry for a few years with the bay area as the back drop. The budgetary process known as sequestration showd the man a new life was in the offing:  Writing.  Seven novels have followed, to the consternation of his wife. "Get off that computer and talk to me!" being the main point.

Several more novels are in the offing and more travelling and fine dining are the rewards for a job well done.

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The leader of a gang of thieves must outwit the FBI and the Russian mob while pulling off two majors heists.
