May Freighter (author)

A multi-genre author who loves cake and a good mystery.

May freighter

May Freighter is an internationally bestselling author from Dublin, Ireland. She writes Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, and Sci-Fi mysteries that will keep you entertained, mystified, and hopefully craving more. Her only pets are cacti. They're the only things that survived. It may be too dangerous to entrust her with an animal while she's engrossed in writing.

On sunny, rainy, and overcast days, she spends her time with her fictional friends, putting them through dangerous adventures while wishing them the best of luck. Her hobbies are photography, drawing, and plotting different ways of characters' demise. 

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A dazzling sequel with dangerous vampires, sharp wit, humour, betrayal, and romance.
Helena's life is a dangerous game and each step should be taken with care.
