Expert in Hybrid Threats, disinformation, communication. Now member of European Union in Georgia.

Mauro voerzio

It may sound strange, but I open my biography by saying that I am not a writer. I like to describe myself as a researcher who for the past seven years has been studying all aspects of Hybrid Threats and in particular, the impact of misinformation on Western societies. I decided to self-publish my work as I did not want to distort its meaning to make it commercial as requested by various publishers. These are not commercial products, and fortunately, I live off them. My story as a fact-checker began in the winter of 2013-14 when I was an eyewitness to the so-called "Maidan revolution" in Kyiv. At the end of 2014, I started my collaboration with StopFake, a project of Kyiv University of Journalism. In the following years, I wrote several war reports from the Donbas front. I currently work for the European Union in Georgia.

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Questo lavoro riassume anni di ricerche sulla disinformazione con particolare focus sulle attività messe in atto dalla Russia, ed aventi come scopo l’indebolimento dell’Unione Europea.
