Marine Trevisan (author)

Tribulations d'une hypersensible enthousiaste: serie feel good de développement personnel

Marine trevisan

My name is Marine Trevisan, i'm writing from France, tiny little town called La Grande Fosse, in Les Vosges region, East of the country...
So, I've finished my first book ...:-) (yeeehhaaa!) It's a fiction, funny, series, and kind of mystic sort of a journal, of a hyper sensitive enthousiastic young woman who struggles on the path of happyness and self esteem...she has tried and keeps trying all sorts of technics, therapists, healers, psychics, astrologers this #1 Marine wants to let go - she discovers Louise Hay's master peace Heal your life and the mirror work which leads her soul to get in touch with her...
I'am also a therapist in chinese medicines and energetic healer in my othr life; these series are inspired of my 10 years practice with people's quest for happyness and struggle to love them selves. 

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une série feel good pour tous ceux qui se battent pour croire que la vie est belle et une boîte à outils pour celles et ceux qui décident de construire la vie de leurs rêves.
