M.L. Ryan (author)

Scientist by day, urban fantasy/paranormal romance author by night.

M.l. ryan

M.L. Ryan is a professional woman - which is not to say that she gave up her amateur status, but rather that she is over-educated with a job that reflects her one-time reluctance to leave school and get "real" work – and she spends a lot of time in that profession reading highly technical material.  In an attempt to strengthen the other side of her brain, M.L decided to write some of the many stories rolling around in her head.  She prefers literature that isn’t saddled with excruciating symbolism, ponderous dialogue or worldly implications – unless they are other-worldly - and also doesn’t like plots so reliant on love at first sight that it makes her head feel like it might implode. M.L. Ryan lives in Tucson, Arizona with her husband and teenage son, four cats, two dogs and an adopted desert tortoise.

There are currently seven books in the Coursodon Dimension series and one in the Interdimensional Magic series (2 more in progress).


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The only thing worse in a lawless and brutal world than being magically stunted is being female.
