Luisa Rosa Barolo (author)


Luisa rosa barolo

I was born in Turin (Italy) and have been living for many years abroad, in the Netherlands first and on the Greek Islands then.

I had a brilliant career as bank credit analyst in Italy, but in 2003 I left my job and went to live on Naxos in the Cyclades Islands with my husband for a real change of life. We started a business as travel planners for Italian visitors.

"L'isola di Arianna" is my debut book, inspired by a real story that happened in the Cyclades in 2006. With this novel, I wish to convey my passion for Greece, its people, and its traditions.

My desire is to excite readers with a compelling story, but at the same time to take them into the magic atmosphere of this part of Mediterranean.

Thanks to our job, we realized there is a huge interest in novels performed on the Greek islands, but very few books have been written by authors who really know what Greek life is.

A new edition of L'isola di Arianna (Italian version) has been published in Italy by Antonio Tombolini Editore in the summer 2017.

In 2017  I won four National Literature Prizes in Italy for short novels.


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Un romanzo ambientato sull'isola greca di Naxos, ricco di suspense e romanticismo.
