Lucas Oliveira de Lima (author)

Hello! My Name is Lucas Oliveira and I'm the newest author on KDP

Lucas oliveira de lima

Since I was a child a dream always make it's way into my mind. 

I Always dreamed of a world beyond our own, one reality that never got a chance to be. 

Years have passed and finally I managed to introduce this world in my first book "Diário de um Homem Morto" (Diary of a Dead Man - Free Translation), it's kinda the first taste of something major coming down the road. In less than 3 weeks this story was sold to 80 people with an expectation of reaching one hundred till the middle of august. The Reception has been really warm towards the story, altough nobody has yet finished the role run, all of them are looking forward to the future. 

User links: Website Facebook Twitter


Um Futuro mais próximo do que gostaríamos de admitir, um passado misterioso e um presente incerto.
