Lubna Fathi (translator)

(not rated yet)

My ambition to become a translator arises from my passion for books. I love reading since I was a toddler. I aspire to make my passion a job.

Lubna fathi

Dear Babelcube team,

Let me introduce myself, my name is Lubna Fathi. I'm 20 years old and a college student who loves reading and writing since the beginning.

I live in Italy, country where I was born and love madly. What are the things I love most of this country? Nature, people and food. Whoever visited this nation knows what I’m talking about. 

But back to us! I was talking about my fond of reading. I learnt to read when I was quite young really, because I had a brother two years older than me. He started primary school at 5, so when he came home with books to read I started reading with him. I was only three years old but I was the most curious child in the world. I started with his books, then catalogs of supermarkets, newspapers, food labels and every single thing that had words on it. 

Of course when I started going to school I already knew how to read. I got bored during reading lessons so I always had a book with me. 
I went to the library every week to borrow books to read.I started with children's books.
I finished the whole section dedicated to children when I was nine years old. Then I started with books in English. Yeah, I didn’t specify it before but up to that moment I had only read in Italian. Even though I was already learning the Arabic alphabet. 

When I was fourteen I had already read all the books for children and teenagers in the library, both in Italian and English. 
At the time I could speak four languages fluently: Italian and Arabic as a native speaker, then English and France. That's where my ambition to become a translator comes from.

I didn't love only books, but languages as well. And writing. I literally write something every single day. It can be a short story or just random thoughts, but I never skip my daily session of writing. For this reason I've participated to a lot of writing competitions during High School. They were really fun and different: sometimes they were about poetry, other times about novels or short story and so on. 
My personal favorites were those focused on poetry, but I enjoyed them all.

This is the real reason I want to do this job: to merge my great passions: languages, reading and writing. I am gonna be glad to be part of this team and I will do my best to contribute to its future and success. 

I hope you enjoyed my short biography. 
I look forward to working with you.

Kind Regards,

Lubna Fathi.


Native language: Italian
Translates from: English
Translates into: Italian

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