laura zavatta (author)

I am Associate Professor of Philosophy of Law. I love writing books but most of all I love animals

Laura zavatta

I have written several scientific books including, the last one, "Nietzsche nello sviluppo della filosofia giuridica e morale". I recently published the fictionalized story of a court case entitled "Macolé. Licenza di vivere" in which a young woman finds herself embroiled, mistakenly, in a shady trafficking of arms and toxic waste connected with Somalia's piracy. In the novel "Ancora in tempo", the protagonist, hunted by a real life full of difficulties, is having to cope with an unforeseen event full of suspense." L'Amico Bill", recently published, is a tender, incredible love story of a dog for his young master! In 2020 I wrote "Eclissi virale" in which I attempt to reveal, in a fictional way, a possible explanation for the origin of the pandemic that plagued humanity.


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A love so great! Written to promote recognition of Animal Rights
