José Leon Machado (author)

Ed. Vercial
José Leon Machado is a portuguese writer. His trilogy on the twentieth century was well accepted by critics.

José leon machado

José Leon Machado was born in Braga on November 25, 1965. He studied at Sá de Miranda High School and graduated in Humanities from the Faculty of Philosophy of Braga. He attended the master's degree at the University of Minho, having concluded it with a dissertation on comparative literature. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Literature at the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, where he holds a doctorate in Portuguese Linguistics. He has collaborated in several newspapers and magazines with chronicles, short stories and articles of literary criticism. Alongside his research and teaching work, he has devoted himself to literary writing, especially to fiction. Influenced by the classical Greco-Latin authors and the Anglo-Saxon authors, his writing is simple and concise, largely departing from the writing of most of the current Portuguese authors, who considers, according to a recent interview, "mostly or baroque illegible with a public consisting of half a dozen enlightened, or bacocly amorphous with an audience ill-formed by an illiteracy of centuries. "

He has won several literary prizes, including the Edmundo Bettencourt Prize 2001 of the Funchal City Hall with the work The Incompatible (contos, Campo das Letras, 2002) and the Grand Prize for Literature DST 2002 with the work Fluviais (contos, Campo das Letters, 2001).

Main themes and motifs in his works of fiction: pre-romanic peoples; Romanization; Portuguese discoveries; the First Republic (1910-1926); the participation of the Portuguese in the First World War; New State Dictatorship; exploitation of the wolfram; colonial war; provincialism and villageism; Minho and Trás-os-Montes; traditions and folklore; religion and clericalism; teaching and education; academic life; love, sexuality and adultery; Biology and Astronomy; other worlds; universe.

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Uma história de amor e de ação que se passa no século I, na antiga Hispânia romana.
Esta colectânea de contos infantis contém seis histórias: O sapo envergonhado, que dá o título à obra; - O galo que desejava correr mundo; - A bruxa e o caldeirão; - A vendedora de cebolas; - A princesa feia; - e O príncipe do Reino Estranho.
