Jonell Kirby Cash (author)

Jonell Kirby Cash
Author, College Professor, Visionary, Grandmother who believes in living life to the fullest. At the Age of 82 wrote her first novel "A Ring A Dance A Second Chance".

Jonell kirby cash

Dr. Jonell Kirby Cash is a highly recognized author in the academic fields of Psychology and Counseling.  Professionally, Dr. Jonell Kirby Cash served on the editorial board of the Journal for Specialists in Group Work and as an advisory editor for The Individual Psychologist; she was a member of the Commission on Higher Education of the North Central Accreditation Association, and a consultant to overseas workshops in Portugal, Australia, Brazil, Egypt and England. 

Dr. Jonell Kirby Cash has authored four books in the field of psychology and counseling and since retiring has written her first novel, A Ring, A Dance, A Second Change.  With her busy schedule Jonell has found time to attend workshops in writing, create a writing group, and read widely. Since retiring her volunteer work has included CASA, working with couple under stress and with disruptive children and troubled families.  

At the of age 82, her first novel, A Ring, A Dance, A Second Chance, resonate with older readers whose lives were once cluttered with people, a deceased spouse, and now live alone.  

In her story, Dr. Cash captures the emotions of Katie’s and Taylor’s reunion, more than forty years after high school.  As they revisit their sweet memories of first love, and flirt with the fantasy of what might-have-been, the two widows fan the embers of love and struggle with the realities of what it means to their adult children as they move on and find joy with another partner.

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A Love Story about Grown Ups. This is Katie’s and Taylor’s love story, high school sweethearts, reunited after the death of both spouses, 40 years later.
