Johann Heyss (author)

Johann Heyss
Fiction and non-fiction internationally published author

Johann heyss

Johann Heyss published in 1997 his first book, "Initiation Into Numerology", by Nova Era. It was the first of a series of books on occultism: "The Thoth Tarot" (Nova Era, 2000); "The Book of Numbers" (Nova Era, 2003); "The Oracle of Numbers" (Nova Era, 2010), "Aleister Crowley — Niography of a Magician" (Madras, 2010) and the trilogy "Curso Básico de Numerologia" (Amazon Publishing, 2014). Heyss has recently published his first poetry book, "Maremoto Ignoto" (Amazon Publishing, 2014). His books have been translated into English (by himself), as well as German, French, Russian, and Czech. He has been published by houses like Red Wheel Weiser (USA), Trajectoire (France), Windpferd (Germany), Fontana (Czech Republic) and Grand Fair (Russia).

Heyss has just released his first novel, "A Fada do Dente" ("The Tooth Fairy"), the story of André, a thirty years old translator from Rio de Janeiro who starts seeing a dentist -- but not your regular dentist: Amalia Maria is a witch-dentist. And she finds Andre got something she wants. And she will do everything she can to have it. At once funny, tender and nasty, the story ends up in a baffling way.

Johann Heyss is also a musician and has released four solo albums.

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A FADA DO DENTE conta a história de André, um tradutor carioca de trinta anos envolvido com ocultismo que começa a fazer um tratamento com Amália Maria, pitoresca dentista que acaba se revelando uma bruxa.
Um guia prático para calcular e interpretar o mapa numerológico natal, usando como exemplo o mapa de John Lennon, indispensável para iniciantes e iniciados. #occult #esoterica #numerology
Manual para iniciantes e iniciados no Tarô de Thoth, oráculo criado por Aleister Crowley
