Joana Vaz (translator)


Heavy reader of fantasy novels!

Joana vaz

Since I learnt to read, when I was 6, I've never stoped searching for the next book to read (even if it's a re-reading)! Books allow us to travel without leaveing the comfort of our beds (or wherever you like to read).

I have never done a real translation job with a "real" book, but did many whyle studying, from English, French and Spanish to my native language: Portuguese. It was majorly technical language, but it helps if you can translate and transmit that your head is above your neck and not on your feet!

As I said, I'm a hevy reader of fantasy books (though Haven't read all the Game of Thrones or Lord of the Rings saga) and tried myself to write one (or started many), but the ideas are never right and I feel permanently that what I'm writing has already been writen by someone else... And I woldn't like to plagiarize anyone!

I'm 27 years old and love fantasy books, being Neil Gaiman the major author of the books in my room.

Don't let yourself be fooled by my lack of experience as translator. I put all of me in everything I do and that, to me, says that, at least, I will try to not let you down!

Native language: Portuguese
Translates from: English, Portuguese
Translates into: English, Portuguese

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