Jesús María Cotton (author)

Ediciones Meyo
Quien se atreve, vence.

Jesús maría cotton

Jesús María Cotton is a Venezuelan writer and entrepeneur, who has won several national and international literary awards for his work. This said, Jesús María is now viewing his craft from a more lucrative and pragmatic standpoint, already making a living out of his writing at 25 years old. 

So, the plan of Jesús María is being as prolific as he can, and produce as many books as he can to reach a wider audience so he —and the translators of his work— can earn more money and ultimately make a confortable living out of his passion, literature. 

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Una inspiradora historia sobre el trabajo duro
Libro breve. 100 consejos para ayudar a los jóvenes a enfrentarse a la vida.
Libro corto con una enseñanza maravillosa
Una historia de amor frustrado
Historia sobre cómo la desesperación te lleva a idear formas creativas de ganar dinero
Una historia que explora la venganza y la manipulación
