Jane Rose Caruso (author)

Anything is possible, even the impossible!

Jane rose caruso

Jane Rose Caruso lives in Beltory.

A former bookseller, with studies in Law, she founded La Fenice Book, a literary blog in 2011.You are involved in digital and social creations. She is the director of three editorial series. She lives with her husband, her children and three dogs in a house in the countryside, on top of a hill, surrounded by greenery.

She loves nature and her favorite flower is lavender. She drinks many cups of tea and enjoys writing fairy tales with her son, imagining living on a cloud of cream.

She is the author of the "Miss Garnette Catharine Book Cooking" series, consisting of four main volumes, two short stories, a daily diary and the herbarium of emotions.

Two short stories in search of oneself where he deals with the theme of loss, rebirth, illness and bullying: The Path of Fireflies and Christmas in Conerville.

You have published an interactive book Back to the '90 to go back in time.

For children she has published the series of illustrated books "The fairy tales of the Enchanted Forest", which have come out: Bert the mouse and the raspberry stomach ache, The magic night of star dust, Red the yellowbreast. Bert & Poddy and the great summer party and the moon fairy (illustrated by the talented Chiara Vincenzi).

The last fairy tale, which gives children sound principles, is set at Christmas: Carotina and the magic of Christmas.

She has participated with her tales of her in several anthologies: Un Battito di Cuore (Darcy Edizioni) and Halloween stories (Secrets in Yellow).

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Dove i sentieri sono illuminati dalle lucciole e dalla speranza.
Una fiaba di Natale dolce come una ciambella glassata.
