Inés Platero Gracia (author)

Hi! I'm Inés, a humble fantasy writer from Spain :D

Inés platero gracia

I'm an English Philologist and I have a master's degree in Investigation of English Literature. I'm an avid reader and a writer. I particularly enjoy fantasy novels, but I read a little of everything. Nowadays, I've already 2 published books.

My first novel,Hope, is a contemporary-thriller stand-alone novel that I published with a small publisher (I will self-publish it next year, when the contract finishes).

My second published novel is Noroi, the first volume of an on-going saga within the fantasy/scifi genre about "mutants" called "norois" (I self-published it in Amazon). Each of my novels have a strong social criticism and ecological component. I'm a small author who wants to go beyond the frontiers of her country and try to meet new readers. 

User links: Website Facebook Amazon Goodreads


Una princesa maldita, un inmigrante exiliado y una guerrera contra el status quo.
