Hildred Billings (author)

Barachou Press
Author of romance and fantasy under various pen names.

Hildred billings

I'm an author currently focusing on various kinds of romance under different pen names. I would love to be able to expand my books beyond the English language, as I currently have dedicated readers from all around the world and would love to have more. 

If you came here by way of checking out one of my C. Dane romances that I put up, know that you find that pen name's social media information on the book's profile page. The information under this profile is strictly for the lesbian subgenre. 

User links: Website Facebook Twitter Google+ Amazon Goodreads


On the eve of their wedding, Aiko discovers her girlfriend Reina has some second thoughts about marriage, life, and aging.
After traveling and spending half her life savings, Aiko is about to marry Reina, the woman she has loved for twenty years.
Two Japanese women attempt to balance their relationship with their society's rigid gender roles, polyamorous relations, and the inability to say "I love you."
